Perfect For A Quick Review

Learn The Daf When Short On Time

Enjoy A Clear And Concise Shuir
Latest Shiurim
I listened to Shaul C. Greenwald's Daf and was blown away by the clarity and geshmak that goes into each shiur. Unlike my shows, which always go overtime, this shiur really keeps to the under 25 minutes rule.
Yehuda GebererJewish History Soundbites
I learn the daf once myself and then I listen to Shaul's Daf shiur for a quick chazara. It really helps me retain what I'm learning in a short amount of time each day.
Chaim DaskowitzMonsey
The geshmak and intensity of the shiur makes the learning come alive for me. I was struggling keeping up with daf yomi until I found this shiur. Please keep it going!
Eli NassFlatbush
I started listening in Eruvin and never stopped. What can I say - this shiur just works for me. I follow along easily and almost always get it on the first try.
Yossi SimmonsBaltimore